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Seeds & Shoots

Your Position, Story, and the Strategy That Puts Them to Work

These three elements are the bedrock of your brand’s success.

We’ll use them to:

  • Ground the direction of your organization.
  • Clearly and quickly give your target audience strong reasons to choose you over your competitors.
  • Ensure all brand content is uniformly aligned across all touchpoints.
  • Empower internal teams with clear messaging to scale and grow.
  • Fuel word-of-mouth and other marketing and lead gen efforts.
  • Create high-value content tailored to your audience that fosters truly meaningful connections. 

Feel you already have them down? As part of our discovery period, we’ll take a look and advise on next steps accordingly.

Identify & articulate your best thinking.

Radicle Report (Your Thought Leadership Position)

In order to authentically connect with others to effectively grow your brand, first you need epic clarity on

  •     What you believe
  •     What you know
  •     What your vision is
  •     And how to articulate it efficiently and effectively.

And in order to get to those things, you need time, space, focus, encouragement, and a little help from some experts — all of it bundled up in a tidy takeaway to use for the future.

Which is why a Radicle Report crafted by the team at Rootstock will be so valuable.

Tell your brand’s story.

The Furrows (Your Brand Narrative & Messaging Guide)

In order to tell your company’s story effectively, you need clarity and consistency in your brand narrative and messaging. It provides the bed in which the root of your thought leadership takes hold.

Already feel you have this part down? Our team will analyze your materials, look for gaps, confirm any new updates, and wrap things up to get your strategy going.

To define your brand’s story, we’ll spend time in early discovery to deep dive into what makes your brand distinct. After our workshops, the Rootstock team will crystallize the results of our conversations into an extensive Brand Narrative and Messaging Guide: a comprehensive document that clearly tells your brand’s story and which you can use to shape and inform all future messaging.

This is frequently paired with a Radicle Report, which allows us to build both your thought leadership and your company’s story simultaneously, thus even more efficiently leveraging the power of your best thinking for your personal and business goals.

Strategize for growth.

The Trunk (Your Thought Leadership Strategy)

Once your thought leadership position and brand narrative and messaging guides are in place, we’ll help you create an integrated, strategic plan to leverage your thought leadership position for brand growth. Everything in this strategy builds from and then supports your larger key messages.

The first part of our strategy work involves discovery together around your marketing and business goals, organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and an audit of your current marketing successes and misses.

If you feel you have this covered, our team will analyze your materials, look for gaps, confirm any new updates, and then work to codify a complete thought leadership and brand growth strategy.

Afterward, you’ll receive your strategy deck from the Rootstock team: a comprehensive plan for a content ecosystem that will propel your thought leadership and brand growth forward.

Ready to

Grow Your Brand?